Friday, 4 April 2014

Bearing Fruit at Words with JAM

Today you will find me once again over at the excellent writer resource that is Words with JAM, talking about the importance of being businesslike with your writing - and ensuring that you reap the rewards of the effort you put in.

"Any business, small or large, will regularly review and evaluate output and productivity.  What is selling?  What isn’t?  Is the reward commensurate with the time expended to produce it?  (Okay, this is a perennial issue for all creators, not just writers.  Creating can be hugely draining and time consuming; also frustrating and difficult, as well as spiritually satisfying.   And we aren’t supposed to be doing it for the money (!) But that is for another article….) Back to the topic.  So how many writers analyse their output in terms of volume and results?  For example, have you ever gone through your records detailing work sent out (you do keep records, don’t you?) to ascertain the ratio of work published to work submitted? "   (click link to read on....)

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