Sunday, 23 December 2012

Are novels getting weirder?

As someone who comparatively recently realised what I was missing out on by not reading any science fiction – and who has just discovered Asimov and Philip K Dick – I really enjoyed this brilliant and thought provoking post by Matt Haig, the online writer in residence for Booktrust,  the largest independent reading and writing charity in the UK. The post is called The End of Reality – why novels are getting weirder.

An extract is below but I would urge you to read the whole post (and check out the Booktrust site too).. 
If you are 25 or over the world has changed beyond all recognition in your lifetime. The way we communicate with friends, the way we get our news, the way we buy stuff, and increasingly the way we read books - all that is changing. We are slicing up the cake of reality into seven billion pieces. We are living side by side and miles away from each other all at once. The only way to see ourselves is to take a large step back. Or sideways.
Or forward.
Perfect reading for the end of 2012, when so much has happened in publishing and 2013 promises even more…..

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