Friday, 14 December 2012

The Very Inspiring Blog Award

I just want to thank Anushka at for nominating me for The Very Inspiring Blog Award. I'm well chuffed!  Do check out her excellent blog.  I hope I've done the next bit of the process correctly - I'm an award virgin so please forgive me if I mess it up!


7 random facts about me

1. As a child, my first ambition was to be a mounted policewoman.   Then a psychiatric nurse. Then a missionary.  By the time I was 12 I decided I should probably become a writer.

2. I love watching The Big Bang Theory. I discovered it when I was ill in bed and got through the whole boxed set of series 1 and 2.  It definitely helped me through it.

3. Although I am a hopeless cook, I can make a mean banana smoothie and a tasty banana cake.

4. I used to teach pole dance.  Loved it.  My body doesn’t though, so I sold my pole on e-bay. :(

5. In my forties, I became obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer – it was my favourite TV show

6. I have marked OCD tendencies which I do my best to hide…

7. I’m a nervous traveller but one of the most beautiful places I have visited is Iceland.  The landscapes are spectacular. 

I have nominated the following for their continued inspiration and to thank you all for generously sharing your wisdom and knowledge.  Please check out these wonderful blogs!

Below are the rules for the Very Inspiring Blog Award so please follow carefully: 
1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.


  1. Thank you kindly! I appreciate it. :)

  2. Thank you so much!

    We don't seem to have a lot in common, but I would love to visit Iceland.

    1. Hi Patsy - Iceland was inspiring and when you look out of the plane it's like a lunar landscape!

  3. Thanks so much, Jane, I'm honoured :) We have loads in common! OCD tendencies (my husband can tell when I'm stressed because he finds all his change piled up in size order), hopeless cook, appreciation of Buffy :) No pole dancing for me yet, but you never know ... x

    1. Hi Joanne - my worst thing at the moment is obsessively checking that I have locked the door when I leave the house - usually half a dozen times and then I still have to walk back from the car and check again. And when I lock the car I check that I've locked that several times too! Most frustrating!

  4. Thanks Jane, I'm glad you find my blog an inspiration. I do love to inspire people.

  5. Thank you Jane. What an honour! I too am a hopeless cook!! Keep on blogging :-)

  6. Thanks for the nomination, Jane, but I've received a few awards like this in the past and I have no more secrets to share.

    Apart from being a policewoman and pole dancing, your list could have been mine - I watched Buffy from the start though, waiting around for the next season to begin and getting stupidly excited when I sat down to watch it each week!!

    1. Hi Annalisa - I too looked forward with great anticipation to each new episode - it was a highlight of my week, and I wouldn't answer the phone when it was on! I had a Buffy sweatshirt and still have my Buffy mouse mat. I think my students thought I was having a mid-life crisis!

  7. Iceland, I cannot wait to go there one day! It has always been on my list. So far the most spectacular place I have been to is Svalbard and Norther Norway...amazing. - Anushka

    1. Hi Anushka - Iceland was spectacular, I would recommend a visit. I feel more in tune with Scandinavian countries and also enjoyed Stockholm. Finland and Denmark are on my list - and Norway!
