Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Time to Write

Finding the time to write and how to divide your time between writing and marketing your work is a regular topic for writers, and for good reason.  It can be a constant challenge, and I have tried various strategies but have not yet found a perfect solution.

However, I recently came across two blogs which give great advice.  Both Self-Published Authors and Dean Wesley Smith talk about how to prioritise your time and their take on the 80/20 rule. Check these out:



  1. Ahhhhh, yes, time is the enemy of ALL writers, unless you're J K Rowling ;)

    She probably has a cleaner, a housekeeper, a cook, a secretary, gardener.....

    *sighs deeply*


    1. But she didn't have when she wrote the first HP books, which makes her superwoman....even bigger sigh! Yes, time is a constant battle when it comes to writing and all things writing related. Always having to choose between the tasks required to survive versus creative space.
